Life's Boring without JESUS


Thou Shall No Drink Recycled Water

Seen In Sydney Morning Herald 170704
Water plan fast-tracked as dams hit record low

The long-term plan for solving Sydney's water supply crisis has been fast-tracked after dam levels fell to a record low of 46 per cent of capacity last week.

The Premier, Bob Carr, announced yesterday that the 25-year plan, which had been due in October, would now be released in August. He said he had set up a high-level cabinet sub-committee to consider options.....

The Government responded by releasing figures showing that Sydney's storage capacity compared favourably to other cities. Sydney has 48 months' supply of water when its dam system is 100 per cent full. In comparison, Melbourne has a storage capacity for 43 months; New York has 17 months; Adelaide, 8 months; and London, only 10 weeks. However, the British capital has an extensive recycling system.

The Government has ruled out similar schemes in Sydney, as it believes Sydneysiders would not accept recycled water for drinking.

I just know the perfect Government to approach to change the Sydnersider's minds


Singapore Lift's Have 1/1000 Chance of Getting Stuck in a Blackout? Or Not....

Read this article from Channel NewsAsia. Some Excerpts of it

SINGAPORE : Tuesday night's blackout affected some 21 lifts of the total of 16,700 in Singapore's HDB estates.
Town Councils, responsible for the maintenance of the lifts, pointed to the malfunction of the rescue device as the main culprit.

That is despite the required monthly servicing of all HDB lifts, which includes testing this device.

Lights and fans were also shut down, leaving some trapped in complete darkness and limited ventilation.

Emergency batteries stored in the control room are meant to keep the lights and fans on for at least 4 hours, but they failed to work.

Still, the largest lift company in the market is satisfied with the failure rate during the blackout.

"The reliability of this device is very high and chances of failure are very small," said Phuah Cheng Kok, Executive Vice-President, Fujitec.

"Because it is an electro-mechanical device that's dependent on a battery, there is still a small chance that this device can fail because of age or equipment failure."

He added: "So looking at the number of calls that were received during the blackout, out of the whole of Singapore, therer were only 20 cases, which makes it one in every 1,000 chance of failure. So it's a very good statistic." - CNA

How great, I have a 1/1000 chance of getting stuck in a HDB lift if one of those MASSIVE SINGAPORE BLACKOUT (MSGB) ever happen again........hey wait, didn't the top of the article says 21 out of 16700.....that gives an whopping increase of 25% to 1/795.25 of getting stuck......wait again.....not the whole of Singapore was in the MSGB....If I were to aga aga that 60% (10020 lifts) of Singapore lifts got affected during the MSGB (whi was the percentage of traffic lights affected), the chances becomes 1/477.1 .....Good thing I live on the 2nd floor....