MSN Daily One Liner: Amazing Race New Twist: 2 Part Race
Background: The Amazing Race . now running it's 9th season has got a new twist into its game. Its has introduced a 2 part race contest; contestants who reached a supposely Pit Stop thinking that they have completed the race were given a surprise by host Phil - the race is not over and they have to continue with a race. Imagine how big an effect this new element would provide, one, it could possible change the outcome of the race due to it's extended nature, two imagine how the first team would have felt and three, imagine how the last team would have felt knowing that they were so close to being elimnated. I must give it to the producers who never fail to surprise each and every episode.
In related news, Amazing Race Asia has just extended their registration deadline to 31st March. So if you are interested in joing, head on to the website.
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